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  • e-bog
    The New Golden Age - ebog

    The New Golden Age - ebog

    125,00 DKK
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    Just Sing! - ebog

    Just Sing! - ebog

    89,00 DKK
  • Do You See Me? - e-bog

    Do You See Me? - e-bog

    From 1979 until 2013, the author worked as a psychologist at Synscenter Refsnæs, a national institute for visually impaired children in Denmark. Her work here included all children with visual impairment but was especially focused on preschool children, and in particular, throughout her career, she has had a particular interest in children with blindness.
    Through her work at Synscenter Refsnæs, she has developed profound insight into the particular consequences that a severely visual impairment such as blindness can have on children’s development, unless special efforts are made by parents and educators in nurseries and preschools.In 1999, the author earned a Ph.D based on a dissertation titled ‘Togetherness, interaction and dialogue between blind children and their parents’. In addition, the author has given numerous presentations at international conferences, participated in a range of joint Nordic projects and engaged in a teaching collaboration with counsellors for preschool children in Belgium.Thus, the book is based on thorough knowledge of children with blindness, their development and the interventions that are necessary to ensure sound and good development.
    150,00 DKK

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